Archive for October, 2010

Death Penalty

Should we or shouldn’t we utilize this tool?

Let me hear what you think… Please take a side and justify, no fence riders.

– Me


Simply looking at an issue from a financial standpoint, how much is it costing the citizens of this country for Obama to run around campaigning for Democrats instead of working?

Get to work buddy

– Me

Islam Makes First Attack on Our Freedom of Speech

Juan Williams

Juan Williams is fired from NPR for [Questionable] remarks about Muslims! This is exactly what I have been talking about; these religious fanatics are demolishing our freedoms. NPR (National Public Radio) is a news organization partially funded by taxpayer dollars, which have now fired a man for not sticking to the program as NPR sees it.

Juan, an Emmy Award winning, obviously Liberal reporter was terminated recently for not being Liberal enough when it comes to Islam!  CAIR (The Council on American-Islamic Relations) called for action against Juan. CAIR did not take into account that Juan has been a devout Muslim-rights advocate, and have effectively stifled his voice on NPR.

How does this affect you? I have talked numerous times on the political correct wing of Islam and their need to stifle free speech. This latest action between CAIR and NPR show that Islam is winning the war on censorship. This is just the beginning, wake the Hell up and see that Islam is not playing when it comes to any sort of bad publicity – and prove it through the firing of Liberal Juan Williams from NPR.

Do the research yourself.

–          Me

The Prophet Muhammad’s Dumbness of the Day (P.2)

Here is the reality of the “peaceful” religion, no matter what the little guy who runs the gas station acts like (for now).

Muhammad is so dumb

– Me

Democrats running campaigns as non-Democrat Democrats?

This is really interesting. Here is the list of Democrats who voted AGAINST the health care bill:

Rep. John Adler (N.J.)
Rep. Jason Altmire (Pa.)
Rep. Michael Arcuri (N.Y.)
Rep. John Barrow (Ga.)
Rep. Marion Berry (Ark.)
Rep. Dan Boren (Okla.)

Rep. Rick Boucher (Va.)
Rep. Bobby Bright (Ala.)
Rep. Ben Chandler (Ky.)
Rep. Travis Childers (Miss.)
Rep. Artur Davis (Ala.)
Rep. Lincoln Davis (Tenn.)
Rep. Chet Edwards (Texas)
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (S.D.)
Rep. Tim Holden (Pa.)
Rep. Larry Kissell (N.C.)
Rep. Frank Kratovil (Md.)
Rep. Dan Lipinski (Ill.)
Rep. Stephen Lynch (Mass.)
Rep. Jim Marshall (Ga.)
Rep. Jim Matheson (Utah)
Rep. Mike McIntyre (N.C.)
Rep. Mike McMahon (N.Y.)
Rep. Charlie Melancon (La.)
Rep. Walt Minnick (Idaho)
Rep. Glenn Nye (Va.)
Rep. Collin Peterson (Minn.)
Rep. Mike Ross (Ark.)
Rep. Heath Shuler (N.C.)
Rep. Ike Skelton (Mo.)
Rep. Zack Space (Ohio)
Rep. John Tanner (Tenn.)
Rep. Gene Taylor (Miss.)
Rep. Harry Teague (N.M.)

These votes were cast only AFTER the minimum required was met to pass the legislation, meaning that they were holding off to ensure the bill would pass before voting either way. This in theory gives them political cover when seeking re-election in Nov. Sure as the sky is blue on a nice day, these Congressmen are coming out with ads against Pelosi and the Democratic Party by stating they voted with Republicans. Why in the world would they say something like that I wonder? I wonder why Democrats would be bragging about voting on the Republican side of the aisle? The answer is simple: They are doing anything they can to keep their status as a Congressman. These idiots know that they messed up shoving this thing down our throats, and if they truly disagreed with the bill, they could have cast the no vote immediately instead of waiting until the minimum passing vote was hit.

These Democrats are opportunists and now are claiming to be more in the middle, but don’t fall for it. They are nothing more than their counterparts, and can assure that if the health care bill was actually in a position to not pass, they would HAVE voted yes, and they would NOT have waited until the last minute to cast that vote. I do not believe for one minute these representatives are disagreeing with the main Democratic Party in any manner, but are simply lying about their true actions to remain in power.

These people should be voted out on the simple jest that they are flip flopping and being deceptive. The very least they could do is vote the way they want and stand up for that. At least then they would get respect.

– Me

WTF? I guess this is similar to children at play?

Some images require no explanation…

– Me

The Prophet Muhammad’s dumbness of the Day (P. 1)

I wonder why Muhammad (yes the Islamic Muhammad) cared so much about Pork products when he did not mind raping children? He had such convictions, such morals as a pedophile murdering thief. He was right, fried bacon is not good for you. Damn it is tasty, though.

Muhammad 1 – Bacon 0

The above photo was to illustrate the pedophile I was referring to. Muhammad was a pedophile, a gross old man who enjoyed raping children. Don’t like it? Here is a surprise just for you: I don’t care.

– Me

Everything is George W Bush’s Fault

C’mon guys, really?

This is what comes out of people’s mouths when they do not have a legitimate argument on present day topics. George W Bush did not create a quarter of the issues the Dems are claiming he did. Let us just look at one thing:

the House has 255 Democrats, 178 Republicans; the Senate has 57 Democrats, 41 Republicans. Did this just happen? I did not think so. Democrats took majority in the Senate in 2006, and the House in 2007. The recession began in 2008, with majority Democratic leadership, which includes the White House. This seems like a Democrat problem, so can someone out there in Liberal land explain why everything is George W Bush’s fault when the Democrats have been the majority in Congress for going on 4 years now? That’s right, the Democrats have been the majority for almost 4 years now, meaning Republicans have no way of stopping anything the Dems want to push through (Healthcare Bill anyone?).

So, please, someone with some sense, write me and explain how everything is George W Bush’s fault. Do not write me if you articulate like a 1st Grader.

This is how Liberals explain anything they do not have an answer for. Lets vote these idiots out of power since they can not even take credit for their own actions…

– Me

Douchebags P. 8

Once again, here comes an in your face douche moment brought to you by the educated dummy. This douchebag segment brought to you by the douche that tailgates your car while merging onto the interstate. You know the ones, you are riding peacefully on the interstate onramp, doing the speed limit, or maybe even 5-10 over; but alas, this is not fast enough for this douchebag. No, this douche would like to nearly kill everyone around him because HE is in a hurry and wants to be first. So what does this douche do? Tailgates you relentlessly, and then attempts to swing around you and actually get on the interstate before you do. Well simple common sense and safety concerns would dictate that he is behind you, and should probably stay there until safe to maneuver around. This may not be such a big douche act if these people would refrain from doing this while the left lane is occupied while you are merging. This idiot will attempt to cruise around you at a supreme rate of speed while there is a car in the other lane, which would force you to slow down as you now have no lane to merge to.

The scenario is laid out, and I know you have seen this dick head around town. Normally this ass-hat does this Formula-1 maneuver to get around you, and then goes the speed limit after endangering numerous lives for no reason. Well check your insurance policies people, and if you are not toting children or in a hurry yourselves, brake-check this road retard. It is never the fault of the person who was hit no matter the scenario. Police will simply say the douche was operating the vehicle too close and did not allow time to stop, making it the douche’s fault. Let’s ban together here, and get some new bumpers and neck braces. Stand on the brake pedal and hold on tight. This douche is comin’ in hot for some good ole fashioned refreshing stuff. Slow down idiot, and hit the skinny pedal on the right once you merge properly, or risk buying me a new bumper and a vacation to Jamaica due to my “injuries”.

– Me

Democrats keeping seats in Congress? LMAO!

Ok, so it has come to my attention that Liberals are thinking to themselves that the Democratic Party will lose very little in the upcoming mid-term elections. Furthermore, the Liberals think the Dems have a strong position and that the legislation they have been passing is some sort of godsend. Well I can no more predict the future elections than I could a lottery winning number, but I can say this:

When was the last time millions of Americans took to the streets in protest against what our government is doing? The closest thing was protests against the Iraq war, which was minimal considering the attacks against our sovereignty. I can understand people not wanting to go to war, even if it is justified, as there are those who believe the world is a peaceful place and no harm will come from anything, etc, etc…

Now let us get to the issue at hand. People all across the nation are leaving their homes in protest against what perceived as a government takeover of everything. When the lead Dem is pushing these programs and his minions in Congress are passing bills that affect everyone without reading them, how can the Dems expect to retain any seats if they are not in a welfare rich area?

I have personally never seen politics so polarized in my lifetime, until now. There is a reason for this, and no matter the Liberal excuses, it truly has nothing to do with racism or bigotry. It has to do with MY insurance costs rising well over 20% in past 2 months with no prospect of slowing down. It has to do with our governing body, who is supposed to be OUR voice, casting votes on agendas without so much as looking at content or even reading what they are voting on. There were too many pages to read? Well, that is your job, Congress! I can assure you I could have read it in a month if I were making $400K/yr to do so. Let us not forget these are the very people who voted down a COLA (Cost of living allowance) but decided THEY deserved a raise!

I do not know which way this is going, but I have never seen this much political activism and grass root enthusiasm in my life. That alone leads me to believe the Liberals who think they will lose nothing this election cycle may be a tad confused or have their heads in the sand. As usual with Liberals, they back their positions by snide and smart-aleck remarks instead of facts and proof. I have proof; as my costs have risen drastically and appear to continue to do so.

There is not a single non-millionaire in Congress; does that fact alone not bother anyone else?

­- ME